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Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010


It's easy to operate, but this application is not a perfect keylogger. Big Brother Keylogger's opening cluttered interface luckily includes a simple start capture wizard. After some time with the program, the interface becomes much easier to follow. The majority of commands are invoked with a single click on large buttons. Options are easy to set and most need no explanation. The program barely needs the single page of instructions found under the Help menu.
Big Brother Keylogger performs well in the primary functions of this genre. It is easy to invoke, hides well, and captures key strokes, programs invoked, and Web sites visited. You can set it to capture screenshots every select number of seconds, though it can't be set to capture at program start or Web site selected. It isn't difficult to hide the program from family members and novice users. The demo's process is easy to find in Task Manager, but uses less memory than Windows Explorer.
A minor downside is that the very novice user may not know how to properly configure the utility to send update e-mails, but the program's instructions should help most get this function set up. Big Brother Keylogger is a solid performer that should satisfy parents and small business owners with basic keylogging needs.

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Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu‘anhu, bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, yang artinya:
“Sesungguhnya Allah meridhai kalian pada tiga perkara dan membenci kalian pada tiga perkara pula.
Allah meridhai kalian bila kalian:
(1) Hanya beribadah kepada Allah semata, (2) Dan tidak mempersekutukan-Nya, (3) Serta berpegang teguh pada tali (agama) Allah seluruhnya, dan janganlah kalian berpecah belah
Dan Allah membenci kalian bila kalian:
(1) Suka qiila wa qaala (berkata tanpa dasar), (2) Banyak bertanya (yang tidak berfaedah), (3) Menyia-nyiakan harta”
(HR. Muslim no. 1715)

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